Exotic products

Born in the Ivory Coast where he lived for almost 30 years, Mr Fakhoury knows the Africanculinary habits like no other. His experience with exotic food has developed from his encountersover the years. His various activities as a food wholesaler in Abidjan enabled him to build up anindispensable knowledge of the fish, beef and poultry markets.
Today there is nothing that he doesn’t know about these markets and his aim is to supply theAfrican, West Indian, French-Asian and European communities with authentically flavoured foodstraight from the islands, Asia and Africa.
Our factory is equipped with an industrial smoking room that uses beech shavings to guaranteea smoking process that is as close as possible to that followed by the artisans. The alternationbetween smoking and drying ensures that our products are uniquely flavoured and cooked for theoptimum period of time.
Throughout Mr Fakhoury’s career, SUPERGEL has constructed a network of reliable suppliers whoguarantee a constant supply of fish, beef, poultry and pork throughout the year.
The SUPERGEL EXOTIC brand was created in 2010 with the aim of imposing a name and visualidentity onto the products from SUPERGEL’s elaborate range.
SUPERGEL EXOTIC recreates the tastes from your childhood, the authenticity of your country andthe knowledge of beech smoking and fish cutting.
PLEASE NOTE: minimum order = 2 palettes.